
交易经验在平台式网购顾客满意度评价中的调节作用 被引量:12

The Moderating Effects of Purchase Experience on Customer Satisfaction Evaluation with Online Shopping Platform
摘要 构建并检验了交易经验在平台式网购环境下对网络零售质量、购物价值与顾客满意度关系的调节作用概念模型。实证结果显示:网络零售质量的不同维度对购物价值和满意度有不同的影响作用;网购者的功能价值感知对满意度的影响作用因交易经验不同而存在显著差异。在此基础上,提出了管理启示、研究局限及未来研究方向。 A conceptual model of the moderating effects of purchase experience on the relationship between online retail quality, shopping value and customer satisfaction is developed and tested in the context of online shopping platform. Resuits indicate that different dimensions of online retail quality have different effects on shopping value and satisfaction. The impact of function value perception satisiaction differs from purchase experience. Managerial inspiration, limitations and future research directions are also discussed.
作者 李海英 林柳
出处 《软科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第12期137-142,共6页 Soft Science
关键词 平台式网购 购物价值 满意度 交易经验 online shopping platform shopping value satisfaction purchase experience
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