目的探讨酰基辅酶A∶胆固醇酰基转移酶2(ACAT-2)基因734位点C/T多态性对健康青年血脂比值的影响及在高糖低脂膳食诱导的血脂比值变化中的作用。方法给予56名健康青年志愿者7天平衡膳食和6天高糖低脂膳食,于第1天、第8天以及第14天清晨抽取12 h空腹静脉血,测定血脂,计算甘油三酯/高密度脂蛋白胆固醇(TG/HDLC)、log(TG/HDLC)、总胆固醇/高密度脂蛋白胆固醇(TC/HDLC)和低密度脂蛋白胆固醇/高密度脂蛋白胆固醇(LDLC/HDLC)比值。提取基因组DNA,聚合酶链反应限制性酶切法分析ACAT-2基因734位点多态性。结果女性T等位基因携带者log(TG/HDLC)显著低于CC纯合子受试者,男性CC纯合子受试者TC/HDLC显著高于女性CC纯合子受试者,男性T等位基因携带者log(TG/HDLC)显著高于女性。高糖低脂膳食前,男性T等位基因携带者TG/HDLC、log(TG/HDLC)显著高于女性。与高糖低脂膳食前相比,高糖低脂膳食后男性TC/HDLC、LDLC/HDLC显著降低,不受基因型影响。女性CC纯合子受试者高糖低脂膳食后TG/HDLC、log(TG/HDLC)显著升高,TC/HDLC、LDLC/HDLC显著降低,女性T等位基因携带者TC/HDLC显著降低。结论 ACAT-2 734位点T等位基因与高糖低脂膳食诱导的健康青年女性TG/HDLC、log(TG/HDLC)及LDLC/HDLC改变相关联。
Ahn To investigate the role of the acyl-coenzyme A: cholesterol acyltransferase-2 (ACAT-2) 734 C/T polymorphism on ratios of serum lipids and its interactions on the ratios with a high-carbohydrate/low-fat (HC/LF) di- et in a young healthy Chinese population. Methods After a washout diet for seven days, fifty six young healthy sub- jects were given the HC/LF diet for six days. The serum lipid profiles were analyzed using the twelve-hour fasting venous blood samples collected in the mornings of the first, the eighth and the fourteenth days. The ratios of TG/HDLC, log (TG/HDLC), TC/HDLC and LDLC/HDLC were calculated. The ACAT-2 734 C/T polymorphism was analyzed by restriction fragments patterns after amplified by polymerase chain reactions. Results At baseline, the female carriers of the T allele had significantly lower log (TG/HDLC) than the female subjects with the CC genotype. The male subjects with the CC genotype had significantly higher TC/HDLC than the female subjects. The male carriers of the T allele had significantly higher log (TG/HDLC) than the females. After the washout diet, the male carriers of the T allele experi- enced higher TG/HDLC and log (TG/HDLC) than the females. Compared with those before the HC/LF diet, TC/HDLC and LDLC/HDLC were significantly decreased after the HC/LF diet in the males regardless of the genotypes of the ACAT- 2 734 polymorphism. The female subjects with the CC genotype suffered significant decreases of TC/HDLC and LDLC/HDLC and significant increases of TG/HDLC and log (TG/HDLC). TC/HDLC was significantly decreased in the female caniers of the T allele. Conclusions The T allele at the ACAT-2 734 is associated with the changes of TG/HDLC, log (TG/HDLC) and LDLC/HDLC induced by the HC/LF diet in the females.
Chinese Journal of Arteriosclerosis
Acyl-Coenzyme A: Cbolesterol Acyhransferase-2
Genetic Polymorphism
High-Carbohydrate/Low-Fat Diet
Lipid Ratios