

Effects of general anesthesia with sevoflurane on learning and memory of children
摘要 目的观察研究吸入麻醉药七氟醚对儿童高级神经活动学习、记忆功能的影响。方法选择7~10岁男生择期下腹部手术33例,分为七氟醚组(20例)和对照组(13例)。采用“韦氏记忆量表”进行学习记忆能力的测试,测试术前、术后1d、术后1周长时记忆、短时记忆及瞬时记忆的量表得分。结果①七氟醚组和对照组2组术后1d与术前、术后1周相比,短时记忆量表得分均显著下降,差异有显著性(P〈0.05);②术后1周2组患儿的短时记忆量表得分均已经接近原来的水平;③术后1d短时记忆量表得分七氟醚组与对照组量表得分相近,差异没有显著性意义。结论①手术患儿学习记忆能力的改变,术后Id在短时记忆的分测验中有明显的下降,而对长时记忆和瞬时记忆没有明显改变;②未能提示吸入麻醉药七氟醚对儿童学习\记忆能力的影响是一个独立的风险因素。 Objective To investigate the possible effects of general anesthesia with sevoflu- rane on learning and memory of children. Methods The ability of learning and memory was evalu- ated with Wechsler Memory Scale before operation, one day and seven days after operation. Thirty three boys aged 7- 10 years old undergoing elective hypogastric surgery were enrolled, of which 20 cases were treated with sevoflurane and 13 were put in control group. The long - term, short - term and instantaneous memory were measured. Results O Comparing results one day after operation to results before operation and seven days after operation, short - term memory scale scores de- creased significantly in both sevoflurane and control groups one day after operation, and the differ- ence was significant ( P 〈 0.05) ; (2) The short - term memory scale scores of both two groups of children were close to the original level one week after operation. (3) One day after operation the short- term memory scale scores of sevoflurane group and control group were similar, and the dif- ference was not statistically significant. Conclusion (1) For the changes of learning and memory a- bility in children going through operations, one day after operation scores in the short - term memo- ry sub - tests have dropped significantly, while long - term memory and instantaneous memory scores did not change significantly. (2) It is an independent risky factor not to point out the impact of inhaling anesthetic sevoflurane to learning and memory ability of children.
出处 《实用临床医药杂志》 CAS 2011年第23期24-25,28,共3页 Journal of Clinical Medicine in Practice
基金 江苏连云港市卫生局科研项目(1030)
关键词 七氟醚 儿童 学习 记忆 sevoflurane child learning memory
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