1C. F. Bergsten, C. Freeman, N. Lardy, D. Mitchell, Soft Power in Chinese Foreign Policy, see http :// www. theglobalist. com/Storyld. aspx? StoryId = 7505.
2Joshua Kurlantzick, "China's Charm: Implications of Chinese Soft Power", in Policy Brief, No. 47, June 2006.
3Joseph Nye, The Olympics and Chinese Soft Power, see http://www. huffingtonpost. com/joseph-nye/the-olympics-and- chinese_ b _ 120909.html.
4David Shambaugh, China and the U. S. : A Marriage of Convenience, see http ://www. brookings. edu/opinions/2009/ 0106 _ china_shambaugh.aspx.
6China's Foreign Policy and " Soft Power" in South America, Asia, and Africa, 110th Congress 2d Session, S. PRT.2008 110 - 46, see http ://www. gpoaccess. gov/congress/ index. html.
7Bates Gill, "Yanzhong Huang, Sources and Limits of Chinese 'Soft Power' ", in Survival, Vol. 48, No. 2, Summer 2006, p. 30.
8Chinese Soft Power and Its Implication for the United States-Competition and Cooperation in the Developing World, A Report of the CSIS Smart Power Initiative, see http:// www. csis. org/files/media/csis/pubs/090305_ mcgiffert_ chinesesoftpower_ web. pdf.
9Soft Power in Asia: Results of a 2008 Multinational Survey of Public Opinion, China Still Lags the United States in Soft Power in Asia, see http://www. thechicagocouncil. org/UserFiles/File/POS _ Topline% 20Reports/ Asia% 20Soft% 20Power% 202008/Chicago% 20Council% 20Soft % 20Power % 20Report - % 20Final % 206 - 11 - 08. pdf.
10CRS Report for Congress, China's " Soft Power" in Southeast Asia, January 4, 2008, see http://www. fas. org/sgp/ crs/row/index.html.