
江蓠中类菌孢素氨基酸(MAAs)分离纯化及其成分分析 被引量:5

Study on the isolation,purification and composition analysis of mycosporine-like amino acids(MAAs)in Gracilaria changii
摘要 存在于海洋生物中,尤其是藻类中的类菌孢素氨基酸(mycosporine-like amino acids,MAAs),是一种吸收紫外线的物质,可用于紫外线防护品的原料,具有商业开发的前景。对湛江沿海产江蓠中MAAs进行了分离和结构鉴定,确定江蓠MAAs的主要组成及比例。利用C-18 Sep-Pak固相萃取柱和半制备型HPLC对湛江产江蓠中MAAs成分进行分离纯化。根据化合物的特征、紫外吸收波长和波谱数据鉴定其主要成分的结构,并结合参考文献确定湛江产江蓠MAAs的4种主要成分是palythine、shinorine、palythinol和porphyra-334,其比例约为4.9∶1∶1.2∶9.9。同时,比较了UV法和HPLC法对湛江产江蓠MAAs主要成分porphyra-334含量检测的准确度,建立了两种检测方法的拟合曲线,并通过试验验证,最终确立了HPLC对MAAs主要组成成分的检测方法。 Mycosporine-like amino acids(MAAs)found in marine organisms,especially in the algae were a class of ultraviolet absorption substances.To study the constituents and proportion of MAAs from Gracilaria changii of Zhanjiang,MAAs were separated and purified by C-18 Sep-Pak SPE and semi-preparative HPLC.Four mycosporine-like amino acids were found and were identified as palythine,shinorine,palythinol and porphyra-334, with an approximate ratio of 4.9: 1: 1.2:9.9 ,based on the characteristics UV absorption and spectral data. This paper compared the accuracy of UV and HPLC determination for the content of porphyra- 334 which was the main component of G. changii, and established fitting curves of two methods. Verified by experiment, the HPLC detection for the main components of MAAs was ultimately determined. This research laid the foundation for the development and use of the UV radiation and anti-oxidative substances in the economic algae produced in our country.
出处 《水产学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第12期1829-1836,共8页 Journal of Fisheries of China
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(30771674) 教育部重点项目(109099)
关键词 江蓠 类菌孢素氨基酸 ESI-TOF/MS 检测方法 Gracilaria changii mycosporine-like amino acids ESI-TOF/MS detection
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