
风力发电高塔系统风致随机动力响应分析 被引量:11

Stochastic dynamic analysis of wind turbine systems under wind loads
摘要 介绍了一种高精度且高效的随机动力系统分析方法—广义概率密度演化方法。基于广义概率密度演化方法,结合随机脉动风场物理模型和"桨叶-机舱-塔体-基础"一体化有限元模型,分别对1.25MW风力发电高钢塔和钢筋混凝土风力发电高塔进行了风致随机动力响应分析,并将分析结果同确定性动力响应分析结果进行比较。研究表明,随机性对风力发电高塔系统结构风致动力响应分析的影响非常显著。 Wind energy development is an effective way to solve problems such as energy shortage and environmental pollution,so it is very useful to accurately compute the stochastic dynamic response of wind turbine systems under wind loads.Firstly,a new method termed as generalized probability density evolution method(GPDEM) is presented in the paper.The GPDEM has been proved to be of high accuracy and efficiency in most kinds of stochastic analysis of dynamical systems. Associated with the physical model of stochastic wind field and the integrated finite element model consisting of the rotor,the nacelle,the tower and the foundation,it is very hopeful to apply the GPDEM in stochastic dynamic analysis of wind turbine systems.Then,a 1.25 MW wind turbine system subject to wind loads is investigated in detail,and the dynamic responses and the stochastic ones are also compared.The results demonstrate that the randomness of wind velocities places a great influence on the stochastic dynamic analysis of wind turbine systems.
作者 贺广零 李杰
出处 《振动工程学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2011年第6期696-703,共8页 Journal of Vibration Engineering
基金 国家自然科学基金委创新研究群体基金资助项目(50321803 50621062) "十一五"国家科技支撑计划资助项目(200611A023) 上海市科委计划"登山行动计划"资助项目(06DZ12205) 上海市浦江人才计划资助项目(06PJ14095)
关键词 随机动力响应分析 风力发电高塔系统 广义概率密度演化方法 随机FOURIER谱 旋转Fourier谱 stochastic dynamic analysis wind turbine system generalized probability density evolution method random Fourier spectrum rotational Fourier spectrum
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