
和田河流域社区水资源管理试验示范研究 被引量:1

Experiment and Demonstration Study on the Community-Based Water Resource Management in Hotan River Drainage Basin
摘要 【目的】探索符合和田河流域实际,能够确保"公平用水、合理收费、提高水资源利用效率"的社区水资源管理模式,促进流域水资源的有效管理和合理利用。【方法】采用参与式评估与实地调研、系统分析相结合的方法,摸清社区水资源管理存在的问题及可行的解决途径,在此基础上应用参与式方法制定社区水管理试验方案。【结果】提出以"农民用水协会、村委会两会合一、村组两级管理"的社区水管组织形式和以"计量到组、按亩收费"为核心的社区水管理模式。【结论】运用参与式方法,增强村民主人翁意识,鼓励村民参与社区水资源管理,是提高社区水管理水平和效率的有效途径。 [ Objective] To study and explore a new Community- Based Water Resources Management (CBWRM) Model which would be well adjusted to the reality of Hotan River Drainage Basin and ensure to reach the object of water is fairly used, and the fee is reasonably charged. [ Method] Through employing the methods of Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) combining field survey and systematic analyzing, this paper studied the main problems existing in CBWRM and found out the possible solutions. The experimental scheme was designed and implemented with employing participatory approach. Finally, the countermeasures of strengthening CBWRM were put forward based on the experimental resuhs. [ Result ] According to the experimental results, the CBWRM Model was put forward with the core contents of: i) change the management pattern from running by villager committee and water user organization separately, to two organization - in - one and establish a two -tier organization including village and villager group; ii) implement the accounting of water use volume and collection of water fee according to Measure on group, charge on land area [ Conclusion] Participatory approach is an efficient way to advance master consciousness of villagers and promote enthusiasm of participation and management level so as to improve the CBWRM performance and water utilization efficiency.
出处 《新疆农业科学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第11期2147-2152,共6页 Xinjiang Agricultural Sciences
基金 国家科技部重点国际科技合作项目"塔里木盆地社区水资源管理研究"(2003DF010010)
关键词 社区 水资源管理 参与式 试验 和田河流域 community water management participatory experiment Hotan River Drainage Basin
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