假设被检测的某个矢量信号外的其他信号已知,将离散二进制粒子群优化算法(DBPSO,Discrete Binary Particle Swarm Optimization)应用到MIMO(Multiple-Input Multiple-Output)系统中对信号进行检测,能够较好地解决检测技术在提高MIMO频率选择性信道传输质量的同时产生了极大的接收信号计算复杂度问题.理论分析和仿真结果表明,该算法可以在计算复杂度和检测性能之间取得一个较好的折中.
Supposing the other signals of a detected Optimization Algorithm (DBPS0) is used to detect problem of computational complexity of the received vector signal is known, that Discrete Binary Particle Swarm the signal of the MIMO system is a better solution for the signal, which was caused by detection improves transmission quality in MIMO frequency selective channels. Theoretical analysis and simulation results showed that the algo- rithm can obtain a good compromise between computational complexity and detection performance.
Natural Science Journal of Hainan University