目的 :探讨胃液及血前列腺素 E2 (PGE2 )水平与消化性溃疡活动期脾胃湿热证的关系。方法 :采用放射免疫法对 30例确诊为消化性溃疡活动期 (APU)脾胃湿热型血液及胃液中 PGE2 水平进行检测 ,并与 2 0例非脾胃湿热型和正常对照组比较。结果 :APU患者胃液中 PGE2 低于正常对照组 ,且以脾胃湿热型为最低。而血中 PGE2检测结果刚好与此相反。结论 :PGE2 与 APU脾胃湿热证的形成有一定关系。
Objective:To research the relationship between gastric juice and prostaglandin E 2 (PGE 2) level of active stage peptic ulcer(APU) patients with wetness heat in the spleen and stomach(WPS).Methods:PGE 2 level of blood and gastric juice of ADU patients with WPS were detected by radioimmunoassay RIA and compared with the non wps patients with APU and normal people.Results:PGE 2 of gastric juice was lower than that of the normal group,and was the lowest in WPS patients.But in blood the result happened to be reversed. Conclusion:PGE 2 level of ADU correlates with the WPS.