目的 探讨MRI在儿童脱髓鞘病变中的应用价值与意义。方法 应用MRI对有脱髓鞘病变的患儿进行颅脑扫描,共41 例。分析其MRI表现。结果 根据脱髓鞘病变的MRI表现程度,将其分为三种:①轻度:13 例,表现为侧脑室前后角或三角区小片状散在分布长T2 信号,境界较清;②中度:23 例,表现为脑室周围对称分布片状长T1 长T2 信号,境界不清,可伴有钙化、胼胝体受累及脑室扩张;③重度:5 例,表现为脑白质广泛分布大片长T1 长T2 信号,部分融合,伴有坏死灶,脑皮质受累。结论 MRI对儿童脱髓鞘病变敏感性极高,是检查儿童脱髓鞘病变的可靠方法。
Objective To explore the value and significance of MRI in children with demyelinating diseases. Methods Children who were demyelinating diseases were scanned cerebral by MRI,and analysis its MRI shows. Results According as MRI degree of demyelinating diseases:①Light duty are small patch long T 2 sign on the round of ventricle in 13 cases; ②Mid duty distributes symmetrically long T 1 and T 2 sign,and concomitance collapse damaging; ③weight duty are diffusely big patch long T 1 and T 2 sign,and part inoculate. Conclusion MRI is high sensitivity on demyelinating diseases,and it is credibility method to examine demyelinating diseases. [
Chinese Journal of Medical Imaging Technology