
旅游开发背景下的地方文化重构——以香格里拉县措古隆村为例 被引量:2

Reconstruction of local culture in the context of tourism development——A case study of Cuo-gulong village in Shangri-la County
摘要 该文以迪庆藏族自治州香格里拉县城北的一个小村庄———措古隆为例,探寻了民族地区在旅游业开发背景下,基层社区文化所发生的重构。措古隆是香格里拉县城北的一个小村庄,它毗邻于滇西北最大的藏传佛教格鲁派寺院———噶丹.松赞林寺,深受藏族传统宗教文化影响。随着迪庆州香格里拉旅游业的发展,寺院参与旅游业的程度逐渐加深,这对措古隆村文化的各个方面都产生了或深或浅的影响。该文通过措古隆村文化变迁的镜像,探寻旅游业发展对民族地区基层社区文化产生的影响。 This paper takes a small village named Cuo - gulong on the north of Shangri - La, Diqing Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture as a case study to discuss the cultural reconstruction in the grass - roots community of minority region in the context of tourism development. Cuo - gulong is adjacent to the Songzanlin Monastery which belongs to the Gelug Sect of Tibetan Buddhism and is the largest Tibetan Buddhism monastery in the northwest of Yunnan province. Therefore, Cuo - gulong is endowed with the Tibetan religious culture. With an increasing number of tourists in Shangri - La, the monastery gradually more and more involves in tourism. This process has exerted some effects on culture. The paper measures Cuo - gulong village by a mirror of cultural change and explores the impact of tourism exploitation on the grass - roots community culture in minority region.
作者 熊燕
机构地区 云南省博物馆
出处 《旅游研究》 2011年第4期25-30,共6页 Tourism Research
关键词 措古隆 旅游 传统文化 文化重构 Cuo - gulon tourism development traditional culture cultural reconstruction
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