

A Novel SIRC model of network virus spread
摘要 从计算机网络中节点感染和防御病毒的实际过程出发,提出了一种带有修复状态的计算机网络病毒传播模型,将感染后经过处理的节点划分为修复状态和免疫状态,通过微分方程组求解模型的稳态解,然后通过MATLAB仿真模拟分析理论值与仿真值的差别,校正所提出的模型.结果表明:该模型中感染率存在一个阈值,感染率小于阈值时,所有网络节点最终将被治愈,病毒消亡;反之病毒爆发.因此,控制感染率小于临界值将有利于抑制病毒的爆发.论文研究的结果有助于制定更加有利于抵制病毒传播的策略,维护网络的信息安全. From the actual procedure of computer network nodes infection and virus defenses, this paper proposes a computer network model which involves virus spread with a repair state. The nodes having been infected are divided into two states, which are repair state and immunity state. Firstly, we get the equilibrium solution through analyzing the differential equation. Then, we compare the differences between thecretical anaXyses and simulation results using MATLAB in order to calibrate the model. The results show that there exists a critical value : if infection rate is lower than the critical value, the infected nodes would be all cured and the virus is eventually cleared, otherwise the virus will be endemic and spread extensively. Thus, keeping the infection rate below the critical value will be conducive to keep the virus in control. These results will contribute to establish strategy of resisting virus spread and vindicate the network information security.
出处 《天津理工大学学报》 2011年第5期1-4,共4页 Journal of Tianjin University of Technology
基金 国家自然科学基金(60904063) 中国博士后科学基金(20090460694) 天津市高等学校科技发展基金(20090813 20090811 20090717)
关键词 网络病毒 SIRC模型 修复态 平衡点 阈值 network virus SIRC model repair state equilibrium point threshold value
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