目的 将肝外胆道手术87例术前CT诊断与术后病理诊断做对照,显示CT的诊断价值。方法 采用美国GE公司High Speed CT-Ⅰ机型平扫,部分病例做增强扫描,以病理资料做比较。结果 表明CT做为胆道手术前检查方法诊断与病理诊断具有较高的符合率。
Objective To evaluate the diagnostic value of CT before the operation on the patients with external hepatobiliary diseases. Methods A comparisons between the CT diagnoses and postoperative pathological diagnoses in 87 cases of hepatobiliary diseases was studied. The CT diagnoses were made by general scanning with High Speed CT-1 (GE co USA), some cases were used enhanced scanning. Results and Conclusion The CT diagnoses before operation are rather consistent with the pathological diagnoses.