人工土快滤池对三级化粪池出水中COD、BOD5 、SS、N和P的去除率分别为67 %、92.7 %、73.6 %、49 %和78.9 % ,其出水水质达到二级生化处理排放标准 ;再经水培通菜和生菜处理利用后 ,整个处理系统对滤出水中COD、BOD5、SS、TN和TP的去除率分别为80.0 %、98.2 %、96.9 %、86.3 %和87.3 % ,水培蔬菜利用后的排出水水质达到三级处理水平 ,可作为中水回用于农田灌溉或城市绿化 ,实现城市粪便污水的资源化。
The experiment using artificial soil rapid filter for treating septic tank effluent was carried out about one year. The removal rates for COD, BOD5, SS, total nitrogen, and total phosphorus were 67%, 92.7%, 73.6%, 49%, and 78.9%, respectively. So effluent quality could meet the discharge requirements of secondary biological treatment. After effluent was used as liquid nutrient for water spinach and romaine lettuce aquaculture, the removal percentage of this combined system for COD, BOD5, SS, total nitrogen, and total phosphorus were 80.0%, 98.2%, 96.9%, 86.3%, and 87.3%, respectively. Therefore effluent quality could reach tertiary treatment level, and it could be reused for agricultural irrigation and city beatification.
Agro-Environmental Protection