介绍了一款自主设计采用0.25μm GaAs PHMET开关工艺制作的的S波段六位数控移相器芯片和金属陶瓷表贴管壳内的设计方法和研制结果。该移相器在工作频带2.8~3.6GHz内64个移相态的移相精度RMS<1.0°、插入损耗IL<5dB、输入输出驻波比VSWR<1.5、幅度均衡ΔIL<0.3dB、1分贝压缩输入功率大于25dBm、切换时间ton、toff均小于10ns。外形尺寸为10mm×10mm×2mm。
This paper introduces the design method and the results of a 6 bit S-band digital monolithic phase shifter utilizing 0.25 μm PHEMT switches processing technology and sealling in metal-ceramic surface-mount package. The developed 6 bit phase shifter demonstrates an overall phase deviation less than 1.0° and an insertion loss variation less than 0. 3 dB rms from 2.8 to 3.6 GHz. For all 64 states, the insertion loss is measured to be 5 dB and the VSWR is less than 1.5. The power of input 1 dB compression is more than 25 dBm and ton,toff are less than 10 nSo The module size of the monolithic phase shifter is 10 mm×10 mm×2 mm.
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