
试述拜占庭查士丁尼时代的经济状况和建筑资金来源 被引量:3

A Discussion of the Financial Position and the Construction Funding Sources on the Byzantine Empire in Justinian I's Reign
摘要 查士丁尼一世是拜占庭帝国历史上一位杰出的政治家,在位期间进行了旷日持久的大规模的收复失地的军事活动,花费了巨大的财力,导致帝国的财政状况十分窘迫。但是,他巧妙地解决了庞大的建筑资金的来源问题,有效地巩固了帝国的统治。 Justinian I is an outstanding statesman in the history of the Byzantine Empire, He put up a prolonged large--scale military activities in the recovery of lost territory and spent a huge financial resources during his reign, and this led to the financial situation of the empire is very embarrassed. However, he cleverly solved the massive construction funding sources and effectively consolidating the rule of the empire.
作者 王云清
出处 《聊城大学学报(社会科学版)》 2011年第5期54-59,共6页 Journal of Liaocheng University:Social Science Edition
关键词 查士丁尼一世 拜占庭帝国 经济状况 建筑资金 Justinian I the Byzantine Empire financial position construction funds
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