

Researches on Relationship Among Entrepreneurial Opportunity Identification and Entrepreneurial Intentions——Based on Analysis of Perceived Risk Intermediary Effect
摘要 通过86家572位创业者或决策者问卷调查,运用结构方程建模等统计方法 ,检验了个体创业者的感知风险结构模型及其在创业机会识别到创业意愿的关系模式中的作用。研究结果表明:感知风险具有感知损失和感知收益二维度特征;创业机会识别对创业意愿存在显著的正向影响作用,感知风险正向显著影响创业意愿。在此基础上,得出感知风险在创业机会识别与创业意愿关系中存在32.16%的中介作用。 Based on the questionnaire survey of 572 entrepreneurs or decision -makers from 86 private businesses and through structural equation modeling,the structural mode/of perceived risk and its relationship Structure is examined. The findings showed that Perceived risk had two dimensions: perception loss and perception earnings. Opportunity identification wills significantly positive influence entrepreneurial intentions. Perceived risk wills significantly positive influence entrepreneurial intentions. Risk in the entrepreneurial opportunity identification and business relations in the will of some intermediary role is oerceived to be 32. 16%.
出处 《世界科技研究与发展》 CSCD 2011年第6期1056-1059,共4页 World Sci-Tech R&D
基金 教育部人文社会科学研究青年基金(10YJC630311)资助项目
关键词 创业 感知风险 机会识别 创业意愿 entrepreneurial perceived risk opportunity identification entrepreneurial intention
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