
纬编针织物外观模拟纹理映射技术研究 被引量:1

Research on Texture Mapping in Weft-Knitted Fabric Simulation
摘要 为更好地展示针织物的着装效果,针对针织纹理图案结构性强的特点,将网格分割算法同两步纹理映射算法相结合.首先利用模型三角片的切向量场将其进行区域划分;然后在两步纹理映射的基础上,提出了将区域的包围盒作为中介面进行纹理映射的算法;最后利用拼接面片纹理技术对纹理接缝区域进行平滑处理,实现纹理的无缝拼接.试验结果表明,该算法既保证了纹理图案在三维模型表面的连续感,又能满足纹理走向符合物体表面形状的要求. To show the effect of knitted fabric on the clothing vividly, based on the good structure features of knitted fabric textured patterns, the two-step texture mapping based on mesh segment is presented. By the algorithm, the tangential vector field over the mesh is used to divide the model into several regions, which can be used to demonstrate the trend of the texture on the surface of the shape. On the basis of the two-step texture mapping algorithm, a new method which uses bounding box of curved surface as inter-media is proposed to get the texture coordinate. Finally, the seams of region texture is smoothed by a graph cut techniques, which realizes seamless splicing. The experimental result indicates that the presentation achieved by this method appears more vivid. It not only ensures the continuity of surface texture pattern on 3D models, but also meets the requirement that the direction of the texture fits on the shape of the model.
出处 《东华大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第6期745-749,共5页 Journal of Donghua University(Natural Science)
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(50973015)
关键词 织物模拟 纹理映射 三维模型 纬编针织物 fabric simulation texture mapping 3D model weft-knitted fabric
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