

Use of Enzyme-Catalyzed Crosslinking to Improve wet Strength of Paperboard
摘要 木素-碳水化合物复合体(Lignin-Carbohydrate Complexes,简称LCC)是植物细胞壁的重要组成部分,木素和碳水化合物之间的交联赋予了木材和植物茎秆的物理强度和抗生物降解性能。但是,制成纸浆后,其大部分LCC和细胞壁不再存在,重新交织形成的纸板的强度远远低于原本木材和植物茎秆的强度,尤其是湿强度方面。通过在纸板中模拟生物合成LCC的方法,在一定程度上使得纸板中的纤维之间产生类似于细胞壁的复合物,实现植物纤维细胞的胞间层的修复,从而一定程度地提高纸张的物理强度(尤其是湿强度)。 Lignin - carbohydrate complexes (LCC) is an important component ot plant cell wall. lne cross-linking between lignin and carbohydrate of plants give the wood strength properties against the biodegradable. But after the pulp is produced, most LCC will not exist anymore, and then the intensi- ty is far below the origin. We attempt to imitate the biosynthesis process of the LCC, in order to re- pair the middle lamella, then the tensile strength of the paperboard will be elevated.
机构地区 陕西科技大学
出处 《黑龙江造纸》 2011年第4期34-39,共6页 Heilongjiang Pulp & Paper
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