

A Comparative Study on the College Students' Physical Qualities in the Eastern Region of Liaoning
摘要 采用文献资料法、测量法和数理统计法,对辽东地区大学生的身体形态、身体机能和身体素质进行调查研究,结果显示,城市大学生的身体形态指标高于乡村大学生,乡村大学生的身体素质优于城市大学生。建议加强大学生的体质监控,加强体育场馆的建设,采用多种形式来开展学校体育活动。 With the methods of literature analyzing,measurement and statistics,this paper conducts a survey of the students' body shape,body function and physical quality in the eastern region of Liaoning. The founding shows that the body shape indicators of urban students are higher than those of rural students and that the physical qualities of rural students are better than city students. In order to monitor the college students' physical qualities and reinforce the construction of sports facilities, multiple ways should be employed to develop the sports activities on college campus.
作者 张孝荣
机构地区 辽东学院体育部
出处 《吉林体育学院学报》 2011年第6期108-110,共3页 Journal of Jilin Sport University
关键词 体质 辽东地区 大学生 eastern of Liaoniing college student physical quality
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