
期望状态与地位等级秩序的维持 被引量:8

Expectation States and the Maintaining of Status Hierarchy
摘要 社会地位的等级系统具有超强稳定性。人们在日常交往中主动建构地位等级,并维持着这种不平等的秩序。期望状态论认为,互动参与者绩效期望的不同导致了他们之间的地位分化以及体现此分化的互动行为差异。地位特征、社会回报和行为互换模式是影响期望形成与改变的主要因素。期望状态研究方案指导下的诸分支观点对各类不平等现象进行的一般性解释,增进了我们对广义不平等产生和再生产的理解,为谋求减少不平等的策略提供重要思路。 The hierarchy of social status has strong stability.People construct the status hierarchy on their own initiative during the everyday interactions,and preserve this unequal order.The expectation states theory argues it is the diversity of interactors' performance expectations that induce the status stratification among these interactors and the differentiation of their interchange behaviors reflecting the stratification.Status characteristics,social rewards,and behavioral interchange pattern are principle factors influencing the formation and transformation of expectations.The expectation states program gives a general explanation to all kinds of inequality.These viewpoints improve our understanding on the generation and reproduction of broad inequality,providing important trains of thought for pursuing countermeasures of reducing inequality in our society.
作者 赵德雷
出处 《中国农业大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2011年第4期34-45,共12页 Journal of China Agricultural University;Social Sciences
基金 方文教授主持的2011年度教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地(北京大学中国社会与发展研究中心)重大项目"转型中国社会的心态地图与合法性表征"(批准号:11JJD840003)的部分成果 国家留学基金委国家建设高水平大学项目资助 学号2010601164
关键词 期望 地位特征 社会回报 行为互换模式 地位不平等 Expectation Status characteristics Social rewards Behavioral interchange pattern Status inequality
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