人类文明进程可以分为四个时代 :工具时代、农业时代、工业时代和知识时代。从农业时代向工业时代的转移过程及其深刻变化是第一次现代化 ,从工业时代向知识时代的转移过程及其深刻变化是第二次现代化。在 2 0世纪 ,约 5 0多个国家和地区实现了第一次现代化 ,并启动了第二次现代化 ;在 2 1世纪 ,人类将全面实现第二次现代化。虽然中国第一次现代化尚没有完成 ,但必须尽早向第二次现代化进行战略大转移。中国第一个 5 0年 ( 1 94 9- 1 999年 )努力实现第一次现代化 ,中国第二个 5 0年 ( 2 0 0 0 - 2 0 5 0年 )将努力实现第二次现代化。
There are four stages in the process of human civilization progress,which are the tool age,the agriculture age,the industry age and the knowledge age.The first modernization is brought about by the great changes and the process of transition from the agriculture age to the industry age,and the second modernization will be brought about by the great changes and the process of transition from the industry age to the knowledge age.In the 20 century,there are more than 50 nations and areas that finished the process of the first modernization;in the 21st century,all nations will realize the second modernization.In China,the first 50 years(1949-1999)was the process of the first modernization,the second 50 years(2000-2050)will be the process of the second modernization.
Studies in International Technology and Economy
Civilization progress
Second modernization
China's modernization