

Research and implementation on WNXD database storage strategy
摘要 针对NativeXML数据存储性能不高、支持查询和更新效率低等不足,提出一种新的半结构化信息存储模型WNXD。引入动态倒排技术和数据映像机制,将记录和分页的存储模式相结合,建立3种结构化索引,用不同方法解决了结构化和动态增长的矛盾。创建了实用的存储模型,提供了从整体到局部,从元素、属性到具体值的全面覆盖访问策略,底层的数据存取,尤其是内容混杂的各类形式异构数据的有效性和完整性存取,得到了最大程度保证,查询次数减小了I/O,提高了系统处理性能。 For the drawbacks of NativeXML,such as low data storage performance,low efficiency of querying and updating,a new kind of semi-structured information storage model,named WNXD,is proposed.The dynamic invert-sorting technique and data imaging mechanism are introduced to combine the record and the page storage mode,three structured indexes are established to achieve structural and dynamic growth with different ways.A practical storage mode is created to provide a comprehensive access strategy from global to local,and from elements,attributes to values,which guarantees effective and complete data storage,especially for the data with different types.The query number decreases I/O and the system performace is improved.
作者 刘荷花
出处 《重庆大学学报(自然科学版)》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第12期109-114,131,共7页 Journal of Chongqing University
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(60475022) 山西省科技厅软科学资助项目(2010041016)
关键词 WNXD 数据存储 数据查询 数据更新 WNXD data storage data query data update
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