

Balanced LS Estimation of Regression Coefficient in Linear Models With Respect to Linear Constraint
摘要 基于平衡损失的思想和最小二乘统一理论,对带线性约束的一般线性模型提出了一种全面度量估计优良性的标准.给出了此标准下模型中回归系数线性函数的约束广义平衡LS估计,并得到了约束广义平衡LS估计唯一性的一个充分条件. Based on the thought of balanced loss, a new measuring standard is proposed for the linear model with respect to linear constraint, under which the constrainedly balanced LS estimation of linear functions of regression coefficient is derived. And the sufficient condition for this estimation being unique is obtained.
出处 《数学研究》 CSCD 2011年第4期425-429,共5页 Journal of Mathematical Study
基金 安徽省高校优秀青年人才基金项目(2009SQRZ154 2011SQRL127 2011SQRL126) 安徽省高校省级自然科学基金(KJ2010B165)
关键词 线性模型 平衡损失函数 约束广义平衡LS估计 Linear model Balanced loss function Constrainedly balanced LS estimation
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