在不同储藏温度下,研究了90%N2和98%N2两个氮气浓度随着储藏时间的延长对高粱储藏品质的影响.结果表明:在整个储藏期间,90%的充氮气调即可达到预防高粱生虫的效果;低温条件下高粱种子生理特性较为稳定,气调可缓解高温对种子发芽率、生活力的影响,在氮浓度达98%时,种子在30℃条件下储藏至第180天发芽率和生活力分别为72.5%、81%,取得比25℃常规储藏更好的效果(60.5%,70%);粗脂肪含量变化不明显,变化幅度在1%左右,充氮气调可缓解脂肪的分解,减缓脂肪酸败速度;常规储藏至第180天过氧化氢酶下降明显,20℃下仅为0.90 mg/g,气调储藏至第180天仍保持相对较高的酶活,且98%N2浓度下各个温度的变化情况均为最小;温度对电导率影响较大,而充氮气调可缓解高温对高粱电导率的影响,180 d、35℃下98%N2储藏电导率为234.2μS/cm,比20℃常规储藏效果(283.9μS/cm)好.
At different temperatures, we studied the effects of controlled atmosphere storage with 98% and 90% N2 on the storage quality of sorghum as the storage time prolonged. The results showed that the controlled atmosphere storage with 90% N2 could prevent insects in sorghum during the entire storage period; the sorghum seeds had stable physiological characteristics under low temperature condition; the controlled atmosphere storage could suppress the influences of high temperature on the germination rate and the vitality of sorghum seeds; the germination rate and the vitality of sorghum seeds stored in 98% N2 at 30 ~C for 180 days were respectively 72.5% and 81%, which were higher than those (65% and 70%) of the conventional storage at 25 ~C; the crude fat content in sorghum changed by about 1%; the controlled atmosphere storage could suppress the decomposition of fat and could slow down the fat rancidity; the catalase decreased significantly to 0.90 mg/g when the sorghum was stored at 20 ~C for 180 days; however, the catalase still kept a higher activity when the sorghum was stored in the controlled atmosphere for 180 days. Controlled atmosphere storage with N2 could suppress the influence of high temperature on the electrical conductivity of sorghum. After controlled atmosphere storage with 98% N2 at 35 ~C for 180 days, the electrical conductivity of sorghum was 234.2 0.S/cm, which was better than that (283.9 ixS/cm) of the conventional storage at 20 ~C.
Journal of Henan University of Technology:Natural Science Edition
controlled atmosphere storage with N2
storage quality