
基于微燃烧量热仪的典型人造革火灾特性实验研究 被引量:1

Experimental Study on Fire Properties of Typical Artificial Leather Based on MCC
摘要 通过对家居、办公等场所中主要使用人造皮革材料制作家具的调研,分别选择一种高档与中档人造皮革家具,基于微燃烧量热仪对其主要火灾特性进行了实验研究与对比。实验结果表明,高档人造皮革家具的火灾危险性比中档人造皮革家具更小,即这些高档人造皮革家具在给人们带来舒适的物质享受的同时,与中低档人造皮革家具相比,在降低室内火灾危险性方面也具有一定的优势。 Good and popular artificial leathers were selected based on the survey for those at home and in the office.Their fire properties were experimentally analyzed based on the MCC.The results indicated that the fire properties of the good artificial leather were better than those of the popular one.It means that the good artificial leather would not only bring better feeling for the life of human being,but also bring less fire risk than the popular artificial leather to some extent.
作者 梁智勇
机构地区 江西省消防总队
出处 《南昌航空大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2011年第4期90-92,共3页 Journal of Nanchang Hangkong University(Natural Sciences)
关键词 微燃烧量热仪 人造皮革 火灾危险 microscale combustion calorimeter artificial leather fire property
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