由于实际视觉检测系统的光照、摄像、传感器灵敏度,以及光学系统等的不均匀性,图像处理过程中在进行质量检测和自动分级时,采集的图像会产生失真的现象。为减少或消除这种问题带来的影响,在对图像预处理方法进行分析的基础上,在Visual Studio 2010中利用OpenCV完成了同态滤波和减去背景的一系列算法,分别对光照不均匀和信噪比低的图像进行处理,并通过实例进行验证。结果证明了基于OpenCV的两种图像预处理方法对图像灰度校正的有效性。
As the sensitivity of real visual inspection system consist of light, sensors and cameras, and the non-uniform of optical system, the images collected maybe lack fidelity during process of image processing on the quality inspection and the classification. In order to reduce or eliminate the impact of this problem in image processing, based on the analysis of the image pre-processing methods , this paper utilized a series of homomorphic filtering and minus background algorithms with OpenCV in VC + + used visual studio 2010, and verified the program in experiments. The experimental results showed that the application of OpenCV to achieve these two image pre-processing methods is effective on the correction of the image gray degrees.
Joural of Jiangnan University (Natural Science Edition)