

Stability Analysis of Recombinant Human Consensus Interferon-α with High Performance Liquid Size Exclusion Chromatography
摘要 采用高效液相分子排阻色谱法(HPLC-SEC)分析不同温度、振荡时间和pH条件下缓冲液中重组人复合α干扰素(cIFN)单体降解和聚合程度,以研究cIFN的体外稳定性。分析表明,振荡会引起cIFN同时发生严重的降解和聚合,在振荡15 min后,聚合体质量分数23.8%,降解产物质量分数29.6%。温度和pH会引发严重降解和部分聚合,40°C下放置66 h会产生质量分数16.3%的聚合体和质量分数49.3%的降解产物;在pH 9放置66 h后会产生质量分数11.5%聚合体和质量分数37.7%的降解产物。研究显示HPLC-SEC方法能对不同环境条件下cIFN单体所发生的聚合和降解变化进行精确定量分析。不同环境下cIFN单体容易产生聚合体和降解产物表明:cIFN稳定性较差,蛋白质单体之间作用形式容易受到环境因素影响而发生改变。 The stability of recombinant human consensus interferon-α(CIFN) was studied with high performance liquid size exclusion chromatography on conditions of different temperature, shake and pH. Shake could induce serious cIFN degradation and aggregation, 23.8% aggregates and 29.6% degradation fragments were produced after 15 min shake. The temperature and pH could induce serious degradation and part aggregation, 16.3% aggregates and 49.3% degradation fragments were produced after 66h at 40℃, and 11.5% aggregates and 37.7% degradation fragments were produced after 66 at prig. The result demonstrated that HPLC-SEC can be used to quantitatively determine cIFN aggregates and degradation fragments on different conditions, and that environment change can influence the stability of cIFN easily.
作者 吴丹
出处 《江南大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2011年第6期721-725,共5页 Joural of Jiangnan University (Natural Science Edition) 
基金 国家973计划项目(2007CB714306)
关键词 高效液相分子排阻色谱 人复合α干扰素 聚合体 降解产物 high performance liquid size exclusion chromatography, recombinant human consensus interferon-α, aggregates, degradation product
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