基于中小型航天器对接过程可以考虑在对接杆部分实现缓冲的思想,改变对接杆构型,采用变形能力大的对接杆提高对接冲击的缓冲性能.通过Pro/ENGINEER与MSC Patran和MSC Dytran的配合使用,对普通圆柱直杆、弓形杆和球形杆等3种构型的对接杆进行建模,仿真分析其在正碰和斜碰情形下的缓冲性能,并通过改变碰撞初始相对速度讨论初始条件对缓冲性能的影响.具有较大变形能力的对接杆可以明显提高对接冲击的缓冲性能;变形能力越大的杆构型对初始相对条件改变的适应能力越强.
In the docking process of medium and small spacecrafts,it is feasible to implement good buffering by docking probe,so that the configuration of docking probe is changed to enhance its deformation capacity and achieve the buffering characteristics of docking impact.By combining Pro/ENGINEER with MSC Patran and MSC Dytran,the modeling is performed on three kinds of probes including cylindrical straight probe,bow probe and spherical probe,the buffering characteristics are simulated and analyzed under frontal collision and oblique collision,and the effect of initial conditions on buffering characteristics is discussed by changing initial relative velocity of collision.The probes with better deformation capacity can improve the buffering characteristics in the docking process and the probes with good deformation capacity perform good adaption to the change of initial conditions.
Computer Aided Engineering