

Design of axial non-uniform magnetic field and analysis of influencing factors in giant magnetostrictive actuator
摘要 对超磁致伸缩致动器(GMA)磁滞,一般采用简化或软件补偿实现方法.现提出了一种实现GMA磁滞主动抑制的方法,即对线圈进行非均匀形状设计,使得GMM棒在轴向非均匀磁场下工作,各部分沿轴向不均匀伸缩,与其非线性相互作用,以达到线性输出的目的.为了实现对线圈不同参数进行精确设计的目的,计算分析了不同线圈参数对系统磁感应强度分布的影响. The implementation by simplified model or software compensation is generally used to solve hysteresis of giant magnetostrictive actuator (GMA). In this paper, a new method is presented to realize active suppression for the hysteresis:the non-uniform coil can be designed and maintain GMM rod working in the axial non-uniform magnetic field, then every part of GMM rod can have uneven expansions along the axis and offset the original impact of nonlinear,and finally make the output linear. In order to design different parameters of coil accurately, the influences of these parameters on the magnetic flux density has been calculated and analyzed in this paper.
作者 周敏 卢全国
出处 《南昌工程学院学报》 CAS 2011年第6期15-18,共4页 Journal of Nanchang Institute of Technology
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(50865008) 江西省科技支撑计划项目(2010BGA00100)
关键词 超磁致伸缩致动器 非均匀线圈设计 线圈影响磁场分布因素 giant magnetostrictive actuator design magnetic field of non-uniform coil influencing factors of coil on the
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