缅甸伊江上游水电项目的开发建设将极大地带动缅甸特别是缅甸北部经济的发展,改变开发流域的基础设施条件,也将极大地促进两国关系的交流和发展。但是,由于7级电站的开发将移民20 000人,移民工作的成败是决定项目能否顺利推进的重要因素。充分考虑缅甸特殊的国情条件,伊江项目采用了全新的移民模式和思路,得到了缅甸政府的认可和支持,受到了移民的拥护和欢迎,也获得中国国家有关部委的肯定。目前,项目中的2个巨型水电站已经开工建设,实现了"走出去"的第一步。
The hydropower project on the Upper Ayeyawady River is a large overseas investment project by Chinese companies. The development and construction of the project will greatly drive the economic development of North Myanmar and change the infrastructure conditions of the development basin, and will also improve the exchange and relationship development between both countries. However, the development of the seventh cascade station has to resettle 20 000 persons, so the resettlement work is a critical factor to decide the smooth progress of the project. Considering the special conditions in Myanmar, a new resettlement pattern and concept is adopted for the project on the Ayeyawady River, which has been recognized and supported by the Myanmar government, welcomed by the resettlers, and also been regarded as positive by China's relative commissions and ministries. At present, two giant hydropower stations are under construction for the program.
Northwest Hydropower
Ayeyawady River project
resettlement pattern