
体验哲学和认知语言学对英语乏词义结构理据的解释 被引量:2

The Explanation of Embodied Philosophy and Cognitive Linguistics for the Motivation of English Delexical Structures
摘要 英语乏词义结构作为一种常见的结构,在研究中并未得到足够的重视。本文从体验哲学和认知语言学切入,探讨该结构形成的理据。研究表明,促动乏词义结构显现的因素有两个:基于体验模拟的物体意象图式和基于事件与实体间相似性的本体隐喻;此外,乏词义结构还经历了非隐喻化的过程。 In spite of being widely-used, the English delexical structure has not received sufficient attention in lingnistic research. The paper aims at exploring its motivation from the perspective of embodied philosophy and cognitive linguistics. The study reveals that delexical structures are primarily motivated by two factors: object image schema based on embodied simulation and ontological metaphor grounded in similarity between event and entity. Furthermore, this structure witnesses a demetaphorizing process.
作者 仇伟
出处 《山东外语教学》 北大核心 2011年第6期32-35,共4页 Shandong Foreign Language Teaching
基金 国家社科基金项目“英汉乏词义构式的认知对比研究”(11CYY004) 济南大学科研基金项目“认知语法视野下的英汉无实义动词句研究”(X1020)的资助
关键词 乏词义结构 体验哲学 认知语言学 理据 delexieal structure embodied philosophy cognitive linguistics motivation
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