Objective :To investigate the ureteral injury in gynecological laparoscopy and discuss its diagnosis,treatment and prevention.Methods:Ureteral injury in gynecological laparoscopy during the past 8 years was reviewed retrospectively.The methods of diagnosis,treatment and prognosis of ureteral injury were studied.Resuits:There were 8 ureteral injuries (0.22%)in 3654 cases of laparoscopy.The ureteral injuries all occured in la- paroscopieally assisted vaginal hysterectomy (LAVH),the sites of injury were near the uterine artery, sacrospinous ligament, and entrance of bladder,Patients presented increased vaginal drainage ,flank pain, increased volumes of vaginal discharge, nausea and vomiting,fever and edema. Ureteral injuries were mainly diagnosed via type-B ul- trasonic,cystoscopy examination,intravenouspyelography,and MRI,Surgical repair is the primary treatment.Outcomes were good in all cases.conclusion:Ureteral injury is an uncommon but severe complication in gynecological laparoseopy.We should pay attention to ureteral injury in gynecological laparoscopy.
Journal of Luzhou Medical College