
密集杂波环境下逻辑起始算法研究 被引量:6

Logic Algorithm for Track Initiation under Intensive Clutters
摘要 针对高密集杂波环境下难以有效的进行航迹起始,提出了一种新的起始算法。利用首次扫描的位置信息形成可能航迹,后续周期利用航迹的状态估计信息形成一种椭圆关联门,同时加以角度限制抑制与航迹形成V字的点迹,并对航迹实行分类关联,最终快速起始一条正确的航迹。通过对算法及其性能指标的仿真分析可知,新算法具有更低的虚假航迹起始概率,有更好的起始性能。 A new, highly efficient algorithm was proposed for track initiation under high intensive clutters. A potential track was formed using location information scanned in first period. Then, in the following scanning period, an elliptic associated region was calculated out using state estimation. At the same time, a limiting condition was added to exclude the returns which may form V-shape tracks Classification associations was carried out based on track type, thus to form a correct initial track rapidly. The simulation analysis of the algorithm and its performance index showed that the new algorithm has lower false track initiation probability and better performance.
出处 《电光与控制》 北大核心 2012年第1期34-37,共4页 Electronics Optics & Control
关键词 目标跟踪 状态估计 性能指标 虚假航迹起始概率 正确航迹起始概率 target tracking state estimation performance index false track initiation probability track detection probability
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