
铝合金A356微弧氧化电解液配方的优化 被引量:2

Optimization of Micro Arc Oxidation Electrolyte of A356 Aluminum Alloy
摘要 利用扫描电镜(SEM)、表面粗糙度测量仪等分析手段,研究了铝合金A356微弧氧化电解液配方对膜层性能的影响规律,优化了电解液配方:主电解质NaOH的质量浓度为4g/L及Na2SiO3的质量浓度为14g/L,添加剂KF的质量浓度为6g/L。KF对膜层性能有很大的改善,随着KF的加入,耐蚀时间从28.7min增大至36min,粗糙度从0.9μm减少到0.55μm。 The effect of micro arc oxidation (MAO) electrolyte on film properties of A356 aluminum alloy was studied by SEM and the surface roughness measuring instrument, then the electrolyte was optimized. The optimized MAO electrolyte was as follows: NaOH of 4 g/L, Na2SiO3 of 14 g/L, KF of 6 g/L. The additive of KF could improve the film properties. When the KF were added, corrosion resistance time was increased to 36 rain from 28.7 min, and the surface roughness was decreased to 0.55 μm from 0.9 /μm.
作者 孙萍 杨建
出处 《精密成形工程》 2012年第1期21-25,77,共6页 Journal of Netshape Forming Engineering
关键词 铝合金 微弧氧化 电解液 膜层性能 aluminum alloy micro arc oxidation electrolyte film properties
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