
论美国妇女运动的新发展——从希拉里参选美国总统谈起 被引量:1

On the New Development of American Feminism Movement from the Example of Hillary
摘要 2008年,希拉里参选美国总统。虽然告负,但从她身上,人们可以看到美国妇女为争取自身权利作出的巨大努力。经过两次女权运动浪潮之后,美国妇女运动有了新的发展,美国女性所追求的男女平等一定会实现。 In the American Presidential Election 2008, Hillary lost the chance regretfully. This thesis summarizes the history of American Feminism Movement. Along with the further development of the Movement, the wish that Men and women should have equal rights, which American Women are pursuing, will surely come true.
机构地区 武汉工程大学
出处 《湖北广播电视大学学报》 2012年第1期66-67,共2页 Journal of Hubei Radio & Television University
基金 武汉工程大学校长基金2009年重点项目
关键词 希拉里 美国妇女 妇女运动 Hillary American Women the Feminism Movement
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  • 1Lois Romano, "Ideology Aside, This Has Been the Year of the Woman," The Washington Post, October 24, 2008, A01.
  • 2Center for American Women and Polities (CAWP),"Record Numbers of Women to Serve in Senate and House," November 5, 2008, http://www. cawp. rutgers. edu/press room/news/doeuments/PressRelease_11-05-08, pdf.
  • 3Ronald Keith Gaddie and Charles S. Bullock, Ⅲ, "Congressional Elections and the Year of the Woman.. Structural and Elite Influences on Female Candidacies," Social Science Quarterly, Vol. 76, No. 4, (December 1995), pp. 752-753.
  • 4Kate Zernike, "Both Sides Seeking to Be What Women Want," The New York Times, Sept. 15, 2008 http://www. nytimes, com/2008/09/15/us/politics/15women, html? _r=1.
  • 5Ronald Keith Gaddie and Charles S. Bullock, Ⅲ, Congressional Elections and the Year of the Woman: Structural and Elite Influences on Female Candidacies, Social Science Quarterly, Vol. 76, No. 4, (December 1995), p. 750.
  • 6Stephen Stambough and Valerie R. O'Regan, Republican Lambs and the Democratic Pipeline: Partisan Differences in the Nomination of Female Gubernatorial Candidates, Politics and Gender, No. 3 , 2007, pp. 349-368, 349.
  • 7Center for American Women and Politics, "Women in State Legislatures 2007," Factsheet http://www. cawp. rutgers, edu/Facts/StLegHistory/stleg07, pdf.
  • 8Chris Beasely, "What is Feminism? An Introduction to Feminist Theory," (Thousand Oaks~ SAGE Publications, 1999), pp. 51-64.
  • 9Susan MacManus, Voter Participation and Turnout: It's a New Game, Gender and Elections: Shaping the Future of American Politics, eds. , Susan J. Carroll and Richard Fox, (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2006), p. 45.
  • 10Angela G. Ray and Cindy Koenig Richards, Inventing Citizens, Imagining Gender Justice: The Suffrage Rhetoric of Virginia and Francis Minor, Quarterly Journal of Speech, Vol. 93, No. 4 , 2007, pp. 375- 402.











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