

Study on the Effect of Denitrification in Sediment by Sediment Dredging of Zhushan Lake
摘要 通过竺山湖底泥疏浚表层50 cm模拟试验,疏浚柱间隙水硝态氮浓度为0.02~0.48 mg/L,高于对照柱0.05~0.08 mg/L,疏浚柱和对照柱沉积物反硝化速率分别为5.6~25.6和21.3~95.6 nmol/(g.h),疏浚柱反硝化速率降低,说明底泥疏浚对竺山湖沉积物反硝化具有负面影响。 Through simulation test of 50 cm surface layer of sediment dredging from Zhushan Lake,the NOx-N concentration of the dredged cores were among 0.02-0.48 mg/L,which was higher than control cores of 0.05-0.08 mg/L,the denitrification rates of the dredged and control cores were among 5.6-25.6 and 21.3-95.6 nmol/(g·h),respectively.The denitrification rate in the dredged cores was lower than those in the control cores.Our results suggested that sediment dredging of Zhushan Lake may has a negative effect on denitrification of nitrogen.
出处 《安徽农业科学》 CAS 2012年第1期370-372,共3页 Journal of Anhui Agricultural Sciences
关键词 竺山湖 底泥疏浚 反硝化速率 Zhushan Lake Sediment dredging Denitrification rate
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