
斯里兰卡的经济发展与中印在斯的竞争 被引量:4

Economic Development in Sri Lanka and Sino-Indo Economic Competition in Sri Lanka
摘要 过去三十年来,斯里兰卡长期处于内战状态,但其经济却保持较快发展势头,特别是近几年来,由于实行经济自由化政策,斯经济增长势头强劲。斯里兰卡经济的发展除得益于自身政策外,还离不开国际社会的大力参与,特别是中国和印度等邻国的援助和支持。与此同时,中国积极参与斯里兰卡的经济建设却引起了印度的担忧和敌意。印度一直将斯视为其后院和势力范围,认为中国参与斯经济建设是对印实施"珍珠链"包围战略的一部分,因而对中国在斯的建设进行诋毁和抵制,从而使斯里兰卡的经济发展变得复杂化。今后,中印两国在斯里兰卡的竞争将会更趋复杂和激烈。 Thanks to its economic liberalization policy as well as international support in general and those from China and India in specific,Sri Lankan economy has made considerable development in recent years.However,Chinese involvement in Sri Lanka's economic development suffers from concerns and hostilities from India.Regarding Sri Lanka as its courtyard and sphere of influence,India considers Chinese economic activities in Sri Lanka an integrated element of China's so-called'string of pearl strategy'for encircling India.New Delhi has tried to slander and resist Chinese economic activities in Sri Lanka,resulted into complication of Sri Lanka's economic development.Sino-Indo competition in Sri Lanka will be further complicated and more severe in the future.
出处 《南亚研究季刊》 CSSCI 2011年第4期36-39,201,共4页 South Asian Studies Quarterly
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