

Study of Influence of Trunnion Length on Rocket Initial Disturbance
摘要 基于动力学理论,应用非线性有限元方法,研究了耳轴长度对火箭弹起始扰动的影响。利用SolidWorks、ABAQUS软件建立了某多管火箭炮有限元模型,将全炮各构件均处理为柔体,对不包括火箭弹发射装置进行了模态分析,运用显式时间积分方法模拟了在不同耳轴长度情况下多管火箭炮发射的动态响应过程。对比分析了定向管及火箭弹在发射过程中相关动态响应参数,并从提高火箭弹射击密集度的角度出发确定出较合理的耳轴长度。计算结果可为火箭炮的设计与优化提供一定的理论依据。 Based on dynamics theory, the influence of the trunnion length on the rocket initial disturbance was investigated with the help of nonlinearfinite element method. The finite element model was estab- lished by use of SolidWorks and ABAQUS. The model of multiple rocket launcher was treated asflexible body. The launcher model without rocket bomb was analyzed. Under the conditions of differenttrunnion length, the dynamic response process of the multiple rocket launcher system was simulated by use of ex- plicit time integrationmethod. Related dynamic response parameter of the launching tube and rocket am- munition were compared and analyzed. From the viewpoint of improving the intensity of rocket, the best trunnion length was obtained by means of analyzing the dynamic response parameter of the multiple rocket launcher. The calculation results can provide the theoretic basis for the design and optimization of rocket launcher system.
出处 《火炮发射与控制学报》 北大核心 2011年第4期50-53,共4页 Journal of Gun Launch & Control
关键词 固体力学 火箭炮 耳轴 起始扰动 非线性动力学 solid mechanics rocket launcher trunnion initial disturbance nonlinear dynamics
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