
商业银行非信贷资产业务发展研究 被引量:3

摘要 目前我国商业银行面临的国内外经济形势和金融监管环境正发生深刻变化,商业银行迫切需要重新审视自身的经营发展战略。在分业经营的监管模式下,对银行的资本监管要求越加严格,实现资本节约型的利润增长成为商业银行经营发展的未来方向。商业银行只有立足国内外经济金融形势,结合其发展现状和利率市场化进程,在传统信贷资产业务规模增长受限及存贷利差不断收窄的经营业态下,明确差异化的市场定位和经营策略,加强对非信贷资产业务发展的研究和推动,重视对非信贷资产业务的资源配置,才能充分发挥非信贷资产业务的价值创造功能,促进银行经营利润从传统的、单一的存贷利差收入向资本节约、服务增值的复合型多元化收入转变,进一步推动银行业务和盈利渠道的多元化发展,从而保证银行经营利润及经济增加值EVA的可持续平稳增长。 At present,the economic situation and supervision environment at home and abroad domestic our country's commercial banks face are undergoing profound changes.Thus,it is urgent for commercial banks to reexamine their own operation and development strategies.In the model of divided operation supervision,the supervision over the banks'capital tend to be more strict,and the profits growth that requires capital saving has become the future direction of commercial banks operation and development.Commercial banks only clearly understand the economic and financial situation at home and abroad,and combine their own current situation and the process of interest rate marketization,and under the circumstances of constrains over the growth of traditional credit assets scale and continuous squeezing of deposit and loan spread,make sure differentiate market orientation and operational strategy,strengthen the credit assets business development research and promotion,and pay much attention to the resource allocation of non-credit asset business,they can bring non-credit asset business into full play in value creation function,promote the change of banks'operation profits from traditional and single revenue of deposit and loan spread to the mixed and divers revenue of capital saving,and service value-added,and further promote the divers development of bank business and profit-making channels so as to ensure sustainable and steady growth of bank operation profit and economic value-added EVA.
出处 《企业经济》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第12期160-163,共4页 Enterprise Economy
基金 中国工商银行股份有限公司江西省分行重点立项课题“商业银行非信贷资产业务发展研究”(批准号:工银赣学〈2011-9〉)
关键词 商业银行 非信贷资产 表外资产 commercial banks credit assets off balance sheet assets
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