护士执业资格证书是护理专业学生进入护理行业的准入证,由于考前学生正参加异地实习等多种因素,卫生院校往年都难以组织有效的学生考前复习。基于WEB,本文运用了ASP.Net和SQL server 2005技术,设计并实现具有针对性的网络课程软件平台,使学生在实习期间根据知识点内容有目的地复习护理主干课程,有效的提高了学生学习效果。
The Aptitude Test for Nurses is of vital importance for those nursing majors who often have to take part in off-campus internship, and as a result, the college often failed to organize any effective reviews before those students participating in the test. The author in this paper develops a self-learning platform for those off-campus students to prepare the Aptitude Test. Based on WEB, this platform is developed by the means of ASP.Net and SQL server 2005, and the UML modeling technique is applied as well.