
青少年的地方依恋:测量工具及应用 被引量:12

Place Attachment of the Adolescents:Instrument and Application
摘要 目的检验地方依恋量表中文版的信效度,并以此测量青少年对不同类型环境的地方依恋特征。方法以285名青少年为被试,施测中文版地方依恋量表。结果①该量表的内部一致性信度在0.89~0.92之间,验证性因素分析结果表明各项指标表明数据与模型拟合良好,量表能够用于相关实证研究中;②在4种微环境中,青少年对家的依恋水平最高(x-=4.51),对学校的依恋(x-=3.92)次之,对自然和文化两类微环境的依恋水平最低(F=190.67,P〈0.01);③青少年的地方依恋不存在显著性别(F=0.27,P〉0.05)、年级差异(F=1.44,P〉0.05)。结论该量表适合用于地方依恋的测量,青少年对不同类型社会微环境的依恋水平不同。 Objective To test the reliability and validity of the Place Attachment Scale (Chinese version) and explore adolescents' attachment to different places. Methods A total of 285 adolescents completed the Place Attachment Scale (Chinese version). Results ①The reliability and validity of the Place Attachment Scale (Chinese version) met the psychometric criteria, and the cronbachs of the scale were 0. 89-0. 92②In four kinds of micro-environments,adolescents attached to home most (x=4. 51 ) ;the attachment to natural and cultural micro-environments was weaker than that of home and school (F= 190.67,P〈0.01) ; ③ No gender and age differences were found in adolescents place attachment (F= 0. 27,1. 44,P〉0. 05). Conclusion The Place Attachment Scale (Chinese version) can be used in the related studies and adolescents attach to different micro-environments are different.
作者 池丽萍 苏谦
出处 《中国健康心理学杂志》 2011年第12期1523-1525,共3页 China Journal of Health Psychology
基金 教育部人文社会科学研究青年基金项目(08JCXLX009)资助
关键词 地方依恋 社会微环境 青少年 量表 Place attachment Social micro-environment Adolescent Scales
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