
门冬胰岛素30注射液三种治疗方案治疗2型糖尿病的成本-效果分析 被引量:1

Cost-effectiveness analysis of three treatment schemes for Insulin Aspart 30 Injection on type 2 diabetes mellitus
摘要 目的:门冬胰岛素30注射液三种治疗方案的疗效与成本-效果评价。方法:对2010年1月1日至2010年12月31日收集的2型糖尿病135例采用门冬胰岛素30注射液三种治疗方案,A组(早晚皮下注射门冬胰岛素30注射液),B组(早中晚皮下注射门冬胰岛素30注射液),C组(早晚皮下注射门冬胰岛素30注射液,中餐嚼服阿卡波糖)分别治疗半年。结果:空腹血糖总有效率分别为84.4%、86.7%和91.1%,餐后2h血糖分别为91.1%、91.1%和88.9%,糖化血红蛋白总有效率分别为75.6%、80.0%和77.8%。结论:三种治疗方案都有较高疗效,疗效无统计学差异,C组的成本要比A组、B组分别节约104.62元和626.80元,C组的成本-效果比低于另外两组,效价性高,更具有临床推广价值。 To compare the clinical therapeutic effects and costeffectiveness of Insulin Aspart 30 Injection (NovoMix30FlexPen) among different therapeutic regimens for diabetic patients. METHODS: A retrospective study was conducted in which a total of 135 eases with type 2 diabetes mellitus were divided into 3 groups by random(A: NovoMix30FlexPen for morning or night for 6 months; B. NovoMix30FlexPen prior three meals for 6 months; C: NovoMix30FlexPen for morning or night + Acarbose Tablets for 6 months). RESULTS: The effective rates of FBG were 84.4% in Group A versus 86. 7% in Group B and 91. l%in Group C (P)0.05), the effective rates of 91.1%, 91.1%and 88.90%, and rates of HbAlc were 75.6%, 80. PBG2h were the effective ,77.8% respectively. CONCLUSION: Blood sugar /eve/ can be controlled to an ideal level through the three treatment schemes; while Group C is better considering the costeffectiveness ratios, and it hasthe clinical value of noDularization.
出处 《中国临床药理学与治疗学》 CAS CSCD 2011年第12期1406-1409,共4页 Chinese Journal of Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics
基金 吴江市社会发展计划 软科学研究项目(WS201008)
关键词 门冬胰岛素30注射液 治疗方案 2型 糖尿病 成本-效果分析 Insulin Aspart 30 Injection Therapeutic regimen Type 2 diabetes Costeffectiveness analysis
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