
长沙市耕地集约利用时空变化分析 被引量:45

Analysis on spatial-temporal change of cultivated land intensive use in Changsha city
摘要 为准确把握区域耕地集约利用时间变化规律和空间分异特征,利用2001-2009年长沙市各县(市、区)土地利用变更数据和相关社会经济资料,以耕地集约利用为目标,尝试性地构建了包含3个层次、12项具体指标的耕地集约利用评价指标体系;采用以主成分分析为主的方法评价长沙市各区域耕地集约利用时序变化规律;以模糊综合评判为主的方法评判长沙市耕地集约利用空间分异特征。结果表明:2001-2009年,市辖区和东部远郊的浏阳市耕地集约利用度波动式上升趋势明显;东部中郊的长沙县耕地集约利用度经过前期(2001-2004年)短暂的上升-下降后,呈连年快速增长的态势;位于西部中、远郊的望城和宁乡2县耕地集约利用度变化轨迹基本上体现为持续稳步增加。2009年,市辖区和西部中郊的望城县耕地处于高度集约利用状态,集约利用综合评分分别为0.8638、0.8456;东部中郊的长沙县耕地处于中度集约利用状态,集约利用综合评分为0.7643;西、东部远郊的宁乡县和浏阳市耕地处于一般集约利用状态,集约利用综合评分分别为0.6902、0.6645。2种方法的集成运用为相关地区为耕地集约利用评价研究提供了借鉴,研究结果为促使长沙市在经济快速发展过程中耕地集约利用水平的提高提供了决策支持。 To understand the time serial change law and spatial variation characteristics of cultivated land intensive use in a certain region,according to the statistical and survey data of land use change in Changsha city from 2001 to 2009,aimed at the cultivated land intensive use,the evaluation index system of cultivated land intensive use was tried to be established,which included 3 layers and 12 specific indicators.The principal component analysis was used to evaluate the time serial change law of cultivated land use in each county in Changsha city,fuzzy comprehensive evaluation was adopted to appraise the spatial variation characteristics of cultivated land use in Changsha city.The results showed that the degree of cultivated land intensive use advanced in a wave-like form in municipal districts and Liuyang city from 2001 to 2009;degree of cultivated land intensive use increased rapidly year by year after the early period(2001-2004) of first rising and last falling in Changsha county;degree of cultivated land intensive use continued to increase steadily on the whole in Wangcheng and Ningxiang county.In 2009,the cultivated land in municipal districts and Wangcheng county were in the status of high intensive use,and the comprehensive evaluation value of cultivated land intensive use were 0.8638、0.8456 respectively;cultivated land in Changsha county was in the status of moderate intensive use,and comprehensive evaluation value of cultivated land intensive use was 0.7643;cultivated land in Ningxiang county and Liuyang city were in status of general intensive use,and comprehensive evaluation value of cultivated land intensive use were 0.6902、0.6645 respectively.The integrated using of two methods provides a good reference to study on cultivated land intensive use in similar regions,research results provides decision support for increase the level of cultivated land intensive use in the process of economic fast development in Changsha city.
出处 《农业工程学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第1期230-237,共8页 Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering
基金 国家科技支撑计划资助项目(2008BAJ08B18-04) 湖南省自然科学基金资助项目(11JJ3043) 湖南省教育厅科学研究资助项目(11C0798)
关键词 土地利用 主成分分析 指标 耕地集约利用 时空变化 长沙市 land use principal component analysis indicators cultivated land intensive use spatial-temporal change Changsha city
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