根据2008年4个季度的生态调查取样,对连云港海州湾田湾核电站附近潮间带A、B断面底栖动物的生物多样性、结构特征及资源密度等进行了研究.经统计分析:养殖区B断面底栖动物的生物量和栖息密度分别为42.32g.m-2和71.83个.m-2,明显高于天然海滨浴场A断面处的11.24 g.m-2和63.67个.m-2;A、B断面配对站位群落相似性指数超过0.50的有6对,而其他有显著性关系的却不是非常明显,表明海洋工程可能使附近海域内各生境之间底栖动物群落的分化程度降低;群落多样性的季节变化中,春、夏、秋、冬季的多样度分别为1.72、1.20、1.68、0.84,其中冬季达到重度污染,这可能与人为扰动有关,海洋工程活动会导致生态群落结构发生改变,甚至生境遭到破坏,生物多样性受到严重影响.整体上田湾核电站附近潮间带底栖动物群落结构不稳定,受田湾核电站相关工程活动影响的程度尚不能得出定论,需要继续调查监测该海域的生物资源状况,形成一个长期有效的监测机制.
Biological diversity, structural characteristics and habitat density of the benthos in the intertidal zone near Lianyungang Tianwan Nuclear Power Plant were studied, according to the seasonal ecological surveys conducted in 2008. In ecological aspects, the benthic biomass and the density of Bsection ( fish culture zones: 42. 32 g·m^-2 and 71.83 ind·m^-2) were higher than those of A Division (natural habi-tat Beach: 11.24 g·m^-2 and 63.67 ind·m^-2). Community similarity data had shown that marine engineering may make benthos communities reduce the degree of differentiation of the area between the various habitats. The diversity index for the 4 seasons is 1.72, 1.20, 1.68 and 0. 84 ,respectively. The sea-sonal changes in community diversity displayed in the most polluted winter probably had a relationship with the disturbance of marine engineering activities, which was likely to lead to the changes in the structure of ecological communities, or even the destruction of habitat and loss of biological diversity. Overall, the community structure was not very stable in the intertidal benthic animals near the Tianwan nuclear power plant. It cannot be immediately concluded that nuclear power plant engineering activities were related to the extent of the impact. We need to continue to investigate the biological resources of the area to monitor the situation, forming a long-term and effective monitoring mechanism.
Journal of South China Agricultural University