

Algorithm of Process State Estimation for Weakly Looped Distribution Network
摘要 鉴于配电网的状态估计是配电网自动化的重要组件,基于配电网的特点,提出了过程状态估计算法,采用等效补偿对弱环网解环,然后从树的叶子节点(或叶子节点所在的支路)向上层迭代进行加权最小二乘法的状态估计,将下层的估计值作为伪量测值,应用到上层进行估计,同时利用前推回代的方法进行计算,选取和计算了过程状态估计中的权重,并以修改后的IEEE 14节点系统为例进行了实例验证。结果表明,过程状态估计算法与常规算法相比,速度快、估计结果准确。 The state estimation of distribution network is an important component of power distribution networks automation. Based on the characteristics of power distribution networks, this paper proposes process state estimation algorithm. Firstly, equivalent compensation is adopted to unlink weakly looped networks and the weighted lest square method is used to state estimation with iterative computation from the leaves node of the tree (or the branch of the leaves are in) to the upper nodes. Secondly, the estimation value of lower layer is taken as pseudo measurement to estimate the upper layer value. Finally, the back substitution method is used to calculate the weight of process state estimation. An example is verified by modified IEEE 14-nodes system. Compared with the traditional method, the results show that the proposed method has features of quick speed and high accuracy.
出处 《水电能源科学》 北大核心 2012年第1期202-205,169,共5页 Water Resources and Power
关键词 配电网 弱环网 过程状态估计算法 解环 加权最小二乘法 权重 power distribution networks weakly looped networks process state estimation algorithm unlinkingloop weighted least squares method weight
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