

An Examination on Contemporary Western Labor Theories from Multiple Perspectives of Social Thoery
摘要 当代西方学者基于西方社会结构的变迁和劳动方式的变化,从不同的社会理论视角研究劳动问题。哈贝马斯立足于批判社会理论视角,试图在劳动与交往根本相区别的前提下,通过发挥交往理性的潜能,祛除生活世界殖民化;鲍德里亚和鲍曼都是从后现代社会理论视角分析劳动的当代特征和意义的;贝克阐述了风险社会中劳动的风险特征和社会影响;贝尔等人从文化社会理论视角探析了劳动的知识特征和文化意义;阿伦特从政治社会理论视角解读了劳动的政治意义;布洛维则把工人带回分析的中心,分析了"生产的政治"对共识性劳动的作用和意义,如此等等。从总体上看,这些研究都是围绕着劳动与当代社会的关系这一主题而展开的,劳动是当代西方社会理论家解读当代社会的主要视角之一。当代西方劳动学说的社会理论研究,对于我们进一步地探讨和研究劳动与当代社会的关系以及体面劳动与当代人的生存质量的关系具有重要的参考价值。 The contemporary western scholars make researches on labor issues from different perspectives of social theory based on the changes in contemporary western social structure and the ways of labor. From the perspective of critical social theory, Habermas attempts to eliminate colonization of the life world by producing potential of communicative rationality under the premise of fundamental differences between labor and communication; Baudrillard and Bauman analyze contemporary characteristics and significance of labor from postmodern society theory; Baker expounds risk feature and social influence of labor in the risk society; Bell and others explore knowledge feature and cultural significance of labor from the social culture theory; Hannah Arendt unscrambles political meaning of labor from political social theory; and Michael Burawoy brings workers back in, and analyses manufacturing roles of "the politics of production" to consensual labor, and so on. In general, these studies focus on the relations between labor and contemporary social world, labor has become one of the main perspectives for them to interpret contemporary social world. These ways of research have important reference value for us to further explore and researches on the relations between work and contemporary social world, and decent labor and the life quality of the contemporary.
作者 郭伶俐
出处 《河南大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第1期88-94,共7页 Journal of Henan University(Social Sciences)
关键词 劳动学说 社会理论 多重视角 当代西方 马克思劳动理论 labor theory social theory multiple perspectives the contemporary Western world Marx's labor theory
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