
多元化战略影响因素的三棱锥模型——基于制造企业的多案例研究 被引量:20

Triangular Pyramid Model of Impact Factors on Diversification Strategy: Based on Multiple Cases of Manufacturing Enterprises
摘要 运用多案例研究方法,选取三家制造企业进入新产业多元化的案例,对外部环境、企业的技术能力、管理能力和资源整合能力如何影响企业的多元化战略进行了探讨。研究发现:外部环境是企业多元化战略的驱动因素;企业通过外生性手段和内生性手段获取的技术能力是多元化战略的重要支撑条件;企业在研发管理与组织管理等方面具备的管理能力是企业实施多元化战略的必要保障条件;企业通过合作、收购以及重组等资源整合方式能够使企业快速实现多元化结构整合,并有效降低成本。基于上述研究发现,提出了多元化战略影响因素的三棱锥模型,并指出企业在实施多元化战略时应综合考虑四个主要影响因素。 This paper selected diversification strategies of three manufacturing companies, discussing impact of the external environment, the technological capabilities, management capabilities and resource integration capabilities with muhiple case study method. It found that: the external environment is the driving factor for diversification strategy; the technological capabilities obtained through exogenous and endogenous means are an important diversification strategy supporting conditions; management capabilities in R&D management and organizational management and so on are necessary security conditions; integration capabilities gained by collaboration, integration of acquisitions and restructuring and other resources can reduce costs. Based on the above findings, this paper presents the diversification strategy pyramid model, and proposed that enterprises should take into account four main factors in diversification strategy.
作者 苏敬勤 刘静
出处 《科学学与科学技术管理》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第1期148-155,共8页 Science of Science and Management of S.& T.
基金 国家自然科学基金重点项目(71033002) 国家自然科学基金项目(70872013)
关键词 多元化战略 影响因素 多案例研究 diversification strategy impact factors case study
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