目的了解江西省永新县芦溪乡卫生院基本情况和服务与经营现状,为乡镇卫生院药物配置、物流关键技术研究与产品开发提供基线数据。方法以问卷调查结合专题访谈的方法对该院进行调查,内容包括一般情况、人力资源、药品及基本设备配置、业务开展、经营及服务效率情况等。结果①永新县芦溪乡面积86 km2,辖13个村委会;2009年人口2.23万人;农民人均年收入4 100元,属经济落后地区。②芦溪乡卫生院共有职工28人,卫生技术人员占78.6%;医护比为1︰0.58;医生、护理、医技、其它各占54.55%、31.82%、9.09%、4.54%;本科、大专、中专各占9.1%、13.6%、77.3%。卫生技术人员初级、中级、高级职称人数比为15︰5︰1。③2009年该院共用药品625种,每千农业人口编制床位数0.69张,实际床位数1.15张。国家规定乡院必备51种基本设备装备率为76.5%,已配备的40种设备的使用完好率为92.5%。④2009年年门急诊12 150人次、人次平均费用29.39元;年出院1 589人次,平均住院日12天,人次平均住院费用490.05元;疫苗接种5 053人次;业务收入占总收入的73.2%,药品收入占53.7%,人员支出占总支出的31.0%,当年收支结余–26.35万元。结论受该县和省财政严重入不敷出的限制,芦溪乡卫生院硬件条件不够完善。与全国平均水平相比,卫生人力职称结构尚可,但数量不足,专业结构不合理,学历构成低下;基本设备装备率低,每千农业人口编制床位数低;用药品种数625种(含09版国家基本药物目录218种);无相关信息系统;公共卫生服务开展不足;财政投入不足,"以药养医"比例大;医疗服务总体效率低下。解决上述问题,更好地服务于民是芦溪卫生院建设的当务之急。
Objective To understand the current situation of medical service and management in Luxi township health center (LxC) in Yongxin county of Jiangxi province, so as to provide baseline data about drug allocation, logistic key techniques research and products development for township health centers. Methods By means of questionnaire and focus interview, the LxC was investigated from the following aspects: general information, human resources, medicine list, basic device configuration, medical service and management, as well as service efficiency. Results a) Yongxin county including 13 village committees covers an area of 86 km2, with the population of 22 300 in 2009, and it pertains to a backward area with the annual per capita income of RMB 4 100 yuan; b) Among the total 28 staffs in LxC, 78.6% were health workers; the general practitioner (GP)/nurse ratio was about 1:0.58; the proportion of GP, nurses, medical techni- cians, other staffs was 54.55%, 31.82%, 9.09% and 4.54%, respectively; the proportion of bachelor degree, junior college graduation and secondary technical school graduation was 9.1%, 13.6%, and 77.3%, respectively; and the ratio of elementary, middle, and high professional title of health workers was 15:5:1; c) Xhere were 625 species of drugs in LxC in 2009,and the hospital beds approved by government were 0.69 per thousand agricultural persons, which, however, were 1.15 in fact. The rate of 51 basic equipments shown in national regulation was actually 76.5%, and the readiness and utilization rate of existing 40 equipments was 92.5%; and d) In 2009, the outpatients were 12 150 person-time, with the average cost of RMB 29.39 yuan; the hospital discharge was 1 589 person-time, with the average stay of 12 days and the average cost of RMB 490.05 yuan; the vaccine inoculations were 5 053 person-time; among the total income, the medical service income accounted for 73.2%, while the drug income accounted for 53.7%; the personnel expenditure was 31.0% of the total, and the balance of income and expenditure was RMB -263 500 yuan. Conclusion The hardware condition of LxC is not so good owing to the financial difficulties of Yongxin county and Jiangxi provincial government. In comparison with the whole country, although the professional title structure is ok, health workers are still not enough, with unreason- able specialty structure and low educational background. The rate of basic equipments and the approved hospital beds per thousand agricultural persons are low. There are 625 species of drugs, containing 218 species shown in 2009 national essential medicine list. And the other conditions are as follows: no information system, lack of public health service, short of financial input, high ratio of "running hospital by selling drugs", and low efficiency of medical service. So the top priority of LxC construction should be figuring out all of the above issues, and better serving the people.
Chinese Journal of Evidence-based Medicine
Township hospital
Primary health care
Human resource
Efficiency of service
Status survey