
球-地双基地雷达云雨杂波建模与仿真研究 被引量:2

Modeling and Simulation of Rain Clutter for Tethered Aerostat Borne Bistatic Radar
摘要 以空地为背景,研究了基于球载发射源,地面接收站的双基地雷达云雨杂波建模与仿真问题。首先给出了球-地双基地椭球与云雨杂波区域的几何关系,并建立了球-地双基地雷达云雨杂波空间几何模型,给出了基于云雨杂波反射特性、杂波的幅度起伏、杂波的频谱分布以及雷达系统参数的球-地双基地雷达杂波建模方法,导出了球-地双基地雷达在指定距离门内云雨杂波模型的表达式,最后仿真分析了球-地双基地雷达云雨杂波的距离方位维杂波强度和距离-多普勒二维谱,为后续球-地双基地雷达云雨杂波区域目标检测问题的研究提供了仿真数据和理论基础。 Rain clutter modeling and characteristic of the bistatic radar is studied which is composed of a transmitter on a tethered aerostat and a receiver on the ground. The geometry model of rain clutter is presented first, and some factors of the clutter are analyzed which include the ground reflectivity characteristic and radar system parameters. Expression of certain range gate of the clutter is derived. Finally the clutter's amplitude of range-azimuth and range-Doppler spectrum are simulated and analyzed, and the simulation result is fundamental for the clutter suppression and target detection.
出处 《现代雷达》 CSCD 北大核心 2012年第1期30-34,39,共6页 Modern Radar
基金 空军装备科研项目资助
关键词 系留气球 双基地雷达 云雨杂波 距离-多普勒谱 tethered aerostat bistatic radar rain clutter range-Doppler spectrum
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